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Showing posts from July, 2022

8 Tips For Healthcare Quality Improvements | HugeCount

As a result of nationwide improvement initiatives, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has reported promising improvements in healthcare quality. Nonetheless, there is much more to be done. Patients today are less constrained by geography, and they typically benefit from having more options for significant treatments. Primary care providers take uniquely positioned to connect […] Source:

Guitar: The Perfect Gift For Your Loved Ones | HugeCount

While it’s not easy choosing the perfect guitar and an affordable guitar price, musical instruments can be the most enriching gifts to a loved one. Not only can one carry a guitar along wherever one goes, knowing how to play is also likely to make one the centre of attraction at all get-togethers. Here are […] Source:

Best All-Rounder Surfboards to Buy in 2022 | HugeCount

Surfing, as an activity and lifestyle, has exploded in popularity over the last decade. This is largely due to the advancement of technology, which has allowed surfers to share their rides and experiences with anyone in the world in near-real-time. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have also given mainstream exposure to a pastime […] Source:

Speeding Fines And Penalties: What You Need To Know | HugeCount

If you are found speeding in the UK, the minimum punishment for a Fixed Penalty Notice violation is a £100 fine and three penalty points added to your licence or the option to attend a driver speed awareness program. Fines for major speeding offences in England and Wales were raised in 2017, possibly costing drivers […] Source: